Transportation & Logistics Training

College Level Training
Transportation & Logistics (AEC LCA.FY)
Training in transport logistics is offered throught 18 courses including an internship in a company for a total of 1275 hours. It is a complete, short-term, well-balanced program that will lead you to a multitude of stimulating career opportunities both locally and abroad.
The College’s Transportation Logistics program aims to train technicians who will be able to accomplish the tasks related to carrying out the various stages of the logistics process. These steps affect all aspects of an organization’s supply chain, i.e. supply and inventory management, people flow management, distribution and transportation, and logistics coordination both in a local and local context. ‘international
Ces techniciennes et ces techniciens sont appelés à travailler dans :
- des entreprises manufacturières;
- des centres de distribution;
- des entrepôts;
- des entreprises de transport (routier, maritime, ferroviaire et aérien);
- des intermédiaires (transitaires ou courtiers en douanes);
- des compagnies de transport de personnes;
- des compagnies de services de logistique.

Course Content
- Introduction to Transport Logistics
- Geographic Considerations in Transportation
- Mathematics Applied to Transport Logistics
- Management Software and Tools
- Transport Law, Contracts and Insurance
- Selection of Transport Modes
- Procurement and Inventory Management
- Technical Report Writing
- Domestic and International Transportation
- Passenger Transportation
- Transportation Operating Costs
- Supply Production Chain Management
- Managing Road Transportation
- Air Transport Management
- Customs and International Agreements
- Customer Service
- Leading Teams in Organizations
- Internship in Transportation and Logisitics
Duration & Schedules
2 years
Regular schedules
Daytime schedule: 3 days a week, from 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Customized schedules
Do you have limited availabilities? Contact us and we will create a made-to-measure schedule based on your availabilities.
Upcoming sessions
- September 2024
- Januray 2025
This program leads to an Attestation of College Studies (AEC).
To register, contact us at 514-878-1414 (Toll-free: 1-888-878-1414) or e-mail us at or complete the online admission form.
Meet with one of our admissions counselors
Come in and meet one of our admissions counselors and receive first-hand information about course content and the various career opportunities available to you upon completion.
Conditions of admission
In accordance with the provisions of section 4 of the Regulation respecting the college education system, a person who has training deemed sufficient by the college and who meets one of the following conditions is eligible for the program:
- Have interrupted full-time studies or pursued full-time postsecondary studies for at least 2 consecutive sessions or 1 school year;
- Be covered by an agreement concluded between the college and an employer or benefit from a government program;
- Have interrupted full-time studies for one session and pursued full-time post-secondary studies for one session;
- Hold a professional studies diploma (DEP).
April-Fortier College recognizes as training deemed sufficient:
- the person holding a secondary school diploma or the equivalent issued by a school board, (Or an equivalent organization for studies completed outside Quebec)
- the person with relevant training related to the field of specialization of the program.
Special admission condition
Have successfully completed mathematics course 436 – 4th year of secondary (strong math) or CST (Secondary 4 mathematics course Culture, Society and Technique), or TS Technico-Sciences or SN 4e (Natural Sciences math).
Highlights of our program
- Specialized school in the tourism, travel & transport sectors
- Training in tune with the current requirements of the industry
- Instructors actively involved on the work market
- A small college able to offer a friendly and personalized attention to our students
- A highly motivated and determined student body

Contact a representative today
514-878-1414 / 1-888-878-1414
ou by email

Career information events
Wednesday August 21, 2024
Opportunities in tourism industry
Online and in class event
Collège April-Fortier
1001, rue Sherbrooke Est, bureau 350
Montréal, QC
H2L 1L3
Phone number: 514 878-1414
Toll free:1 888 878-1414
Fax number: 514 521-5298