Travel industry relations

Travel industry relations

The Collège has an ongoing relationship with the travel industry and this is reflected in many ways:


  • partnerships to facilitate the internships and eventual job placement
  • regular meetings to validate course content
  • group visits to the workplace of major employers
  • travel leaders invited to address our students
  • direct link between our placement assistance department and employers
  • in-house recruiting by major travel companies
  • practice test for the OPC Knowledge exam required to obtain a travel counsellor certificate available on our website
  • authorized venue for the writing of the TICO exam and BC travel insurance exam
  • a-la-carte travel courses designed for the travel industry

Collège April-Fortier
1001, rue Sherbrooke Est, bureau 350
Montréal, QC
H2L 1L3

Phone number: 514 878-1414
Toll free:1 888 878-1414
Fax number: 514 521-5298




Contact us
